Elisabeth + Jason - Asheville, NC Elopement
Where to begin with Elisabeth and Jason’s elopement…I don’t think that day could have been more magical than it was. I guess if a unicorn descended from the clouds, picked them up and took them to visit a rainbow…then yes, it could be more magical. Seriously though, they chose an Airbnb that was actually a tiny house in the middle of Asheville, and they just happened to have musical songwriting neighbors who were in the middle of composing a song just outside of the house. I mentioned to Jason while he was waiting for Elisabeth to get ready “wouldn’t it be crazy if they wrote a song for you guys?” When we stepped out, there they were, singing a quick song they surprised E+J with. It was catchy and stayed in my head for the next few days (which I didn’t mind at all).
Black Balsam Knob was much better in person…google images does not do it justice. I’ve never been the the French country, but I imagined this is what it must be like. It was fairy tale like, the sun glowing through the pines, the wild flowers that grew along the path, and the view of green and blue. E+J said their vows and then did a hand-fasting ceremony, cried a few tears and then did a lot of kissing and hugging. It was whole-hearted and it was perfect.